Amethyst Sky Jewelry Set

Amethyst Sky

The World Could Use a Little Sparkle About Now

Let’s Create Some Sparkle!!!

Ever have one of those mornings when you really don’t look forward to getting up and doing the whole “life” thing? Or maybe about halfway through the day, you begin to think, today would have been a whole lot better if you had just stayed in bed? A day when you have no sparkle?

Well, we have the answer to your daily doldrums, and it comes in a particularly fetching shade of purple. A jewelry project named Amethyst Sky.

Just the name, Amethyst Sky, envisions technicolor sunbeams, bright, cheerful, 60’s style, family sitcom mornings (I know, everything was black and white in the ‘60s, but bear with me. We’re painting a picture here). Add in some romantic evenings with balmy breezes, perfect temperatures, and absolutely no insects, annoying cell phones, or crying children. An Amethyst Sky is bliss. It’s sparkle.

The new Amethyst Sky jewelry set is all about light and sparkle and happy, purple-ly thoughts. Anciently, amethyst was a stone of healing; physically and emotionally. It was a stone that enhanced daily energy and gave the wearer a greater sense of happiness and well being. 

Well, heaven knows, in these trying times we could all use a little energy and emotional well being. And it doesn’t hurt that this new jewelry looks spectacular.

Of course the jewelry features lots of real amethyst, but there are also plenty of amethyst colored crystals and some very special findings we selected specifically for this set. The clasp on the bracelet, in particular, stands out as a pretty little extra, adding to the entire piece.

The necklace has an amethyst pendant with a very simple wrap you should be able to conquer in just a few minutes. (We have a new YouTube video to walk you, step-by-step, through the making of the pendant). And with just a few more minutes of stringing you can complete the necklace, add the pendant, put it around your neck, and let those positive healing powers begin to do their work.

The bracelet has, along with the beautiful, previously mentioned, clasp has a unique, chevron amethyst central stone. It sparkles with every movement or change of lighting. It looks especially fantastic on moonlit nights.

The earrings continue the theme, framing your face in soft, amethyst light, with just the right amount of sparkle. (Have you noticed we use the word “sparkle” a lot in describing this set? It’s only because it is true.)

Give yourself a reason, and the energy, to get up in the morning. The world needs you out there, wearing your new Amethyst Sky jewelry, sharing your amazing new energy, happiness, and well being.

Amethyst Sky is Available Now in the HomeStrung Store

The Wire Wrapped Pendant Video Tutorial

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4 thoughts on “Amethyst Sky Jewelry Set

  1. Debra Phillips says:

    I ordered some kits and I am so excited to see the stones and beads and learning at the same time. Can’t wait for them to get here.

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